Too often, we hire people whose full potential and ambition are invested in performing the jobs they’re hired for. Then, when we need more from them, they’re not able or willing to go the extra mile. Your goal should be to have at all times (or be working toward) at least one employee with the skills, personality, character, mapping, ambition, and technical competence to take over your position right away. Read More.
The questions in this section focus on sales skills and sales experience, but don’t skip over 1st and 2nd Interview questions about character and mapping. HR professionals will tell you that most of their company’s rules (and their own gray hair) result from nutty things done by sales reps. Capable salespeople who are successful, fun, and have high character do exist. Hold out to hire them. Read More.
Every hire you make is important, but hiring the right managers and senior executives carries even more weight. I consider managers and executives to be in hub positions — like the hub is the center of a wheel. Hiring the wrong person for a hub position will negatively impact multiple employees. Hiring and appropriately managing the right person creates a big lift for your entire organization, especially the group that employee directs. Read More.
Here’s another rule of thumb (a principle whose broad application is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable in every situation) that might make you gasp. Don’t hire kids out of college. Everybody hires at least some recent college grads, right? I’ll talk about exceptions later, but hear me out on the merits of this. First, kids just out of college haven’t built up the history that enables a prospective employer to accurately predict their long-term success at the job. Read More.
On the Hire Like You Just Beat Cancer You Tube channel, author Jim Roddy shares details and hiring anecdotes behind some of the 258 Tremendous Interview Questions from his book. Click the “play” graphic to watch a recent video, or click here to for the complete Hire Like You Just Beat Cancer YouTube Channel.
Since 1999, Jim Roddy has educated business leaders through national magazine articles, online columns, webinars, podcasts, video interviews, and presentations at national conferences. Jim joined Jameson Publishing in 1998 as the managing editor for Business Solutions magazine. He was elevated to operations manager in 2002 and then served as president/general manager from 2006-2016. Prior to working at Jameson, he was a small-business owner in northwestern Pennsylvania.
In 2016, Jim launched a business advisory program to serve the partners of Vantiv, a payment processing and technology provider headquartered near Cincinnati. He assists owners and managers of technology solutions provider companies with their recruiting, hiring, employee management, leadership development, change management, succession planning, and more.